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Cynthia Guild-Kling

Fine Artist of Vermont Landscapes

I remember my mother teaching me how to draw houses that had perspective when I was four years old. Since then, drawing and painting have been a part of my life. It was hard trying to color and paint with bushy brushes and watercolor/poster paint and eight colors of waxy crayons. But then came oil paints, Crayolas, decent pointy brushes, water- color pencils and finally, acrylics.


No matter where I have lived: New England, New Mexico, Sweden, Kuwait and finally Vermont, I have painted pictures of places important to my life there. Living in Starksboro for thirty-two years, I have kept a sort of living history of the landscape through my work. Painting the town and farms as they have changed. Through my cards, people have been able to send off Starksboro as their home town to friends and family. And my prints have made personal gifts as well.

Artist Cynthia Guild-Kling
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