John Vincent
Letterpress “Revolutionary” Art
I founded A Revolutionary Press, located in New Haven Vermont, as a 501c3 non-profit twenty-five years after retiring from a career in law enforcement. With no prior art background, I created its mission “to print & disseminate Radical & Revolutionary ideals to impel the People to Creatively Act on their Right and their Duty to alter or abolish the Present Form of Government and institute a New and more Humane Form of Self Governance.”

My role as its founder is the same as all the collaborating volunteer artists at the Press: to print the old-fashioned way, one l-e-t-t-e-r at a time with hand set metal and wood typefaces and antique hand and foot powered printing presses. The mission of the Press inspires us to present work which can be viewed not only artistically but also intellectually, and which suggests to the viewer as well as the artists, that we constantly reconsider what each of us believes to be the Truth. In doing so, we hope that the seemingly lost art of reasoned and rational discourse will be rediscovered, thus allowing for more humane interactions. In other words, “Let's all stop shouting and shooting at one another.”
We are further inspired by a central tenet of donating all income received by the Press to organizations working for non-violence and social justice.